Great Expectations revolves around the life of an orphan nicknamed Pip. The novel, set in the 19th century, traces the psychological growth of Pip in three stages: His childhood in the marshes of Kent, his journey from the rural environs to the Londo...
A wickedly clever satire uses comic inversions to offer telling insights into the nature of man and society, the Penguin Classics edition of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels is edited with an introduction and notes by Robert Demaria, Jr....
“No class of man is altogether bad, but each has its own faults and virtues.” Set during the background of the Jacobite Scot rebellion in the 18th century, R L Stevenson's historical adventure fiction, Kidnapped is inspired with characters from ...
twist is a story of a young orphan, Oliver, and his attempts to stay good in
a depraved society. The book exposes the miseries of poverty and its
degrading effects through society. Oliver embodies innocence and
A wonderful rendering of the most popular English folklore heroic outlaw, Robin Hood, this book tells the adventures of the Yeomen thief of the Sherwood Forest in a very captivating manner. Robin Hood, the young earl of Huntington, kills one of the k...
Mowgli, a precocious young boy who lives in the Jungle with the wolves and
the rest of the wild animals. Mowgli is a man-cub raised by the wolf pack of
the Seeonee hills, stranger to man, friend of animals, brother of the wolves.
Satirical and nostalgic, Mark Twain?s epic masterpiece of Tom Sawyer, brings out the inequities of adult reality from beneath the innocence of childhood. In the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, along the Mississippi River, Tom Sawyer ...